Hailing from the northern mountain regions of Coerthas, Herja is a seasoned hunter specializing in the most dangerous of monsters -- for the right price, or the right reasons.What he lacks in physical size he more than makes up for with his presence: social, outgoing and assertive, Herja appears so confident in himself that it can quickly sway those around him as well. And while his compassion and enthusiasm towards others is undoubtedly sincere, it conveniently distracts others from the things he prefers keeping to himself.   SERVER      Chaos/Omega [EU]
   TIMEZONE      Eastern Standard Time (GMT+2)

   TAGS      Adventure / Combat / Slice-of-life / Mystery / Long & short term RP / Story driven / Dark Knight / Healer / Hunter / Eorzea / Far East / In-game RP / Text RP

   CURRENTLY      After his honeymoon trip to Thavnair, Herja and his husband have returned to their new home in the Mist. While his works still pulls him back to the Coerthas region, perhaps it is time to become more accustomed to his new seaside home?


   NAME.   Herja Thorden
   AGE.   Early 30s
   GENDER.   Male (he/him)
   HEIGHT.   158cm
   NAMEDAY.   29th Sun / 4th Umbral Moon
   RACE.   Au Ra (Raen)
   ORIENTATION.   Homosexual (taken)
   OCCUPATION.   Dark Knight Hunter
   RESIDENCE.   The Mist (Limsa Lominsa)
   BORN IN.   Northern Coerthas
   LANGUAGES.   Common / Hingan
   GUARDIAN.   Halone, the Fury
   FAITH.   The Twelve / Kami


Outwardly self-confident and social, Herja finds it easy to approach strangers, and often does so with little hesitation. He cares about people deeply and will go out of his way to interfere with what he finds to be injustice or needless cruelty, but has likewise learned to pick his battles more carefully than he did in his youth. There is a more intense side of him that will every now and then put him in trouble for it, but for the most part Herja makes for a friendly and polite company.However, the consequences of his past actions still follow him like a restless spirit: though he has no memories of them himself, he used to be known as a frequent cause of bar fights and other physical altercations, often started over something insignificant and petty. There are establishments that still refuse to allow him access, and people who recognize Herja's face through the sheer anger the sight of him still evokes in them - and yet, when asked, none of them seem to remember his name or even where he came from.


   LITERACY      Herja speaks fluent Common and Hingan. He's able to read and write in the former (albeit a little slowly), but has difficulties when it comes to writing and reading Hingan text due to lack of practice.   HUNTING      Expert. Herja became a hunter's apprentice at sixteen summers, and has well over a decade of practical experience under his belt. He's been trained in tracking and trapping as part of his apprenticeship, and specializes in Coerthan wildlife and terrain.   HEALING      Intermediate. Herja has been studying and practicing Conjury on-and-off for several years. He's eligible to assisting full-time healers during emergency/crisis situations and prepared to treat most injuries associated with his line of work as a hunter, but is not considered a professional healer.   SWORDSMANSHIP      Intermediate (high end). Herja has been practising with a sword ever since he was a child, but began using a greatsword only at an adult age.   DARK ARTS      Intermediate (low end). Has received formal mentoring from another Dark Knight and is in a possession of a soul stone, but doesn't get many opportunities to use (and practice) externally perceived skills due to a desire to secrecy. He does, however, have a good control of his inner darkness and is at low risk of losing the control.


Suffered a traumatic head injury that has resulted in various permanent, neurophysiological problems. These include retrograde amnesia with damage to long-term memory, difficulty remembering new names and faces, involuntary muscle spasms, nerve pain, weakened sensitivity to externally caused physical pain, and headaches.Unrelated to the injury, Herja also appears to have problems related to concentration, impulse control and physical restlessness. He's mellowed a little with age, but spending more time with him will make these traits stand out.


  • An avid fisher, though strictly as a hobby. What he knows about fishing is typically anecdotal and the know-how learned through experience and from other fishers.

  • Is a registered Adventurer largely for the benefits, in particular when it comes to housing. The extra jobs here and there are nice, too.

  • Will occasionally pretend he's drinking something far stronger than what really is in the mug. Somehow this is less embarrassing to him than explaining he's cutting on alcohol due to health complications.

  • Yes he's a Dark Knight no he won't tell you his tragic backstory but after an hour of him talking your ear off about how much he loves his husband you might wish he would tell that backstory instead.

  • And no, he doesn't actually fully understand what his scholar husband is doing for a living.


   HUNTER FOR HIRE      Whether you need someone to bring down a dangerous monster, fill in a missing member in a hunting party, or just get rid of pesky beast loitering around, Herja is your man. In the forests of Coerthas he makes for a good guide to ensure your safety, and he's not half bad at tracking missing people in the wilderness either.   FAMILIAR FACE      Perhaps you recognize him as the culprit of a personal injury, or simply as the guy at a bar who refused to let an insult pass without consequences. Herja may have changed his ways in the years that followed his injury, but while he may have forgotten, many others haven't.   HEALER'S TOUCH      Are you sick or injured with no healer's tent or office in sight? Herja can probably fix you up, or at the very least aid you enough that you'll be able to make it to the nearest professional. If you're a healer yourself, perhaps you have worked together during a time of conflict and crisis, or simply wish to discuss the topic.  SOCIAL EVENTS      Herja thrives in company, and tends to gravitate towards various bars, inns and taverns. If it's not card games, darts or similar games you're after, perhaps you have a story to tell for someone eager to listen, or information you don't mind parting with for the right price.   DARK SECRETS     Herja never talks about his true profession openly, but there are ways for one Dark Knight to recognize another. Those of Brume have come to learn that if you share him your woes about those in positions of power, things might just begin to change not soon after.   CUSTOM     Something else that caught your eye on his profile, or a theme you would like to explore with him? I'm always open for all and any suggestions for meetups and further sessions, short and long term!


   ? ASK ABOUT       Pre-established relationships. I'm generally very open to these, but the closer the relationship, the more I want to feel comfortable (and familiar) with the player as well.   ? ASK ABOUT      Darker themes, including but not limited to character death, violence, illegal substances, abuse, prejudices and discrimination. I'm not averse towards these themes, but every player present must consent to their involvement first and feel safe to engage with them.   ? ASK ABOUT      Mature/adult themes. I won't be engaging in erotic RP as a participant or a spectator, but I don't mind more adult themes on an occasion if it's discussed beforehand.

   YES ✓      Moderate lore bending and headcanons as long as they fit the world of FFXIV, can be reasonably explained and do not require me to necessarily apply them to my own character.   YES ✓      Minor to moderate body altering magicks. While I don't consider Fantasia a canon part of the universe, I'm somewhat lenient towards other forms of physical alterations. If you're on the fence, feel free to ask!   YES ✓      Acknowledging details of my character that would realistically stand out IC, in particular Herja's gender expression. If you think your character would comment on it, don't hesitate to play it out. I appreciate a heads up, but it's not mandatory.   YES ✓      Private RP inquiries & OOC communication. I usually prefer to schedule RP sessions beforehand and actually appreciate it when people are forward about their interests and ideas for RP.   YES ✓      Auspice & Voidsent as long as they are working within the game's established lore. I'm also more than happy to play with sapient characters of other races, such as Moogles, Dragons and the Kojin.

   NO ✘      Playing with people under 18. I'm getting closer to my 30s and don't feel comfortable interacting with minors in an RP setting.   NO ✘      ERP (erotic roleplay) and fetish characters. I don't mind playing with people who do ERP in general though, as long as I don't need to participate in ERP myself.   NO ✘      Metagaming/godmodding and other similar situations where another player takes control of someone else's without consent, decides things for them without asking, or uses OOC information to know things about my character IC.   NO ✘      Canon characters/ known NPCs beyond someone roleplaying how a stationed NPC (like a barkeeper) is emoting during a larger RP session. Nothing against them, they just mess a bit with my internal sense of canon.   NO ✘      RP without clear distinction between IC and OOC. My characters are not me, and I want to keep the separation between characters and players clear.


CAINE ◦ 25+ ◦ he/him ◦ Finland ◦ East European Time Zone (EET/EEST)

DISCLAIMER: I'm three hours ahead of the server time and take regular sleep-inducing medication every evening, so most of my RP is concentrated before the roulette hours begin. The easiest way to roleplay with me is to schedule a session in advance!

★ I have been roleplaying since 2010 mostly in the format of text RP. I started playing FFXIV in 2021, and began roleplaying there in late 2022.★ I like to keep my RP responses compact, but I'm largely a mirror roleplayer and tend to adjust to how my partner is roleplaying.★ OK with text RP when in-game RP isn't possible!★ When I'm not larping as a lizard online, I'm working on my master's thesis in history & literature. I'm particularly interested in medical history, monster studies, video game research and queer themes in fiction. I also draw and write as a passionate hobby.


Short and slender, but with a toned body befitting a greatsword user. Warm brown skin with cream white scales, some tattooed on his chest to resemble the male Au Ra scale pattern. Flat chest with minimal surgery scars visible underneath the right areola; left nipple is entirely missing. Cone-shaped horns on both sides of his head instead of human-like ears, old and rugged growth on right horn from a healed injury. Tail is long, thick and spike near the spine; thinner during warm months. Blue tongue and sharp fangs.⋇ NOTICE: Herja is a trans man with ICly flat chest! His height and horns, however, are accurate to the vanilla model. He has a distinctively masculine way of carrying himself, and his voice remains within a very androgynous range.


For accurate colours and design elements, please refer to the image with the fullbody reference. Any extra horns shown are purely cosmetic. All art is done by me.